Thursday, August 20, 2009


Well, what a day! This summer I bought Dub a water table. He loves to play with it! His very favorite activity is to scoop up the water and pour it on the deck. He will continue to do this until it is almost empty. Apparently, he has learned that this trick can be done with liquids other than water.

I am really trying to get some things organizned around the house, and eliminate some of my clutter piles. I decided to clean out some dresser drawers today to make room for some of Dub's art projects, cards, etc. Since we were up and at 'em early this morning, I had my delicious cup of decaf in my favorite Dub mug. I set my yummy brew on the dresser and Dub and I began to work. He played the items I pulled out as I browsed through them. His heart really wasn't in the cleaning, instead he must have been longing to head outside to his water table. Since we were inside and not going out because of the rain, he decided to do the next best thing. He grabbed my coffee and poured it into the drawer we were cleaning. Yes, my the drawer! What a stinker!

Today's Lesson
Keep your beverage out of Dub's reach.

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