Monday, January 10, 2011

Blueberry Bread and a new book

Well, keeping the NYR of blogging seems to be a challenge. I will keep trying. I have officially been back to work for one week and it has been crazy. I am so fortunate to have my niece, Sophie, here for the week watching W. It is so nice not to have to get him up to go to the sitter's. It is even better that I have those extra minutes that are usually taken up by pick up and drop off.

Tonight while our dinner was baking in the oven, Sophie, W and I decided to make some blueberry bread....yum! This is the best recipe ever, given to me by Pam at gingergirl. When I got married, nearly 10 years ago, I had a recipe shower. Every guest was asked to bring a favorite recipe. This is the one she shared. I think it is the brown sugar that makes this so wonderful.

Blueberry Bread
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
2/3 cup oil
1 egg
1 cup sour milk or buttermilk
2 3/4 cup sifted flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups blueberries
1 cup sugar
1 TBL butter
cinnamon to taste

Mix all ingredients except topping in order given. Pour into 2 greased bread pans. Mix topping until crumbly and sprinkle over top of loaves.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

Wait for bread to cool and enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea! My bread is cooling right now. I will post a picture of the finished product tomorrow.

Although I am slacking on some of my NYRs, I have kept up with my reading. I finished my last book and am on to a new one. This is a book that the book club at my local library is reading. The group is meeting for the discussion on January 20th. I had better get reading. I am a fan of mysteries, so I hope this is a good one!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Latest Read

Another one of my New Year Resolutions is to read one book a month. I realize that doesn't sound like much. At first I thought I would try for two books a month, but I want to make sure that I can stick with this goal. Why must I make this a resolution? Well, ever since W made his arrival just over two and half years ago, my free time seems to have diminished. I remember the good old days when I was reading a lot and I would suggest a certain title to my sister and she would tell me she didn't have time to read. That was the craziest thing I had ever heard. Yes, she had three young girls, but really, who doesn't have time to read? Working parents of young children. Another lesson learned. When I get home from work I have to get dinner ready, clean up the dinner dishes and I want to spend time with my little man before he goes to bed sometime between 7:30 and 7:45. Considering I have a 40 minute commute and need to include pick up and drop off at the sitter, it doesn't give me a lot of time with him and it sucks up a lot of potential free time. By the time he is in bed I am ready for bed myself. When I do have some energy it is used up by picking up and other household chores. Reading for enjoyment has certainly taken a back seat to life with my son. So, that is why I have chosen reading as something of importance for 2011. It is one piece of my pre-child like I am taking back.

So, this is what I am reading.

I read about this book in the Chinaberry catalog. I really love getting this catalog. It seems as though they put a lot of thought in to the products they sell. I have found that some of their items do tend to sell out, and quickly. I just learned this lesson when I went to order a book for a birthday gift and it was sold out!

I will let you know how the book is!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!

Goodbye 2010 and welcome 2011! Today would have been a perfect day if the Badgers had won the Rose Bowl. (Boo Hoo) We showed our team spirit today by wearing our Badger gear and frequently dancing and shouting out, "Teach me how to Bucky!" Our enthusiasm still couldn't help the Badgers pull out a win. We did decide that the Badger trumps a Frog any day. We still love the Badgers!

So far the only resolution I am sticking to is updating my blog. Hopefully my posts will get more exciting as time goes on. I can't say much about what I am wearing today, only that I am showing off my comfortable side: Sweats and barely combed hair. That's what vacation is all about. Back to reality on Monday and back to some real clothes and a shower!