Monday, November 23, 2009

Those Who Live In Glass Houses.......

It seems as though I need to take that old saying to heart. When I was childless, I threw a lot of stones and I am now picking up the shattered glass.

Where should I begin? I see a lot of kiddos every day at my job. In years gone by I have often wondered why kids would come to school smelling of pancake syrup. I would roll my eyes and think to myself, "Why didn't your parent clean you up before sending you off to school?" I now join the ranks of this neglectful parent. I admit it, I have dropped my little man off at the sitters with the smell of maple syrup lingering on his body. I don't know where they syrup is hiding! I have washed his hands, face, neck, head, ears, the list goes on......but for the life of me, I can't figure out where it the smell if coming from. I now just pass him to the sitter and hang my head in shame, defeated by the smell of maple syrup.

Sadly, my rock throwing doesn't stop with maple syrup. My next disappointment is my car. I remember when my sister and her family lived in New Hampshire and they bought a brand new mini van and the next day drove home to Wisconsin for a visit. I still recall running out to greet them at their arrival. I was excited to take a peek at their new wheels and breath in the 3 day old new car smell. As I looked around their new vehicle, I yelled out to my sister, "It looks like you have had this thing for years!" I remember spying a McDonalds french fry on the ground, crumbs on the floor, discarded napkins and other random food scraps lying around. Disgusting!

I now find it embarrassing if anyone has to ride in my car. Before allowing a passenger to enter, the first thing I have to do is move the children's books and sippy cups from the seat. I then brush the cracker crumbs out of the way. The backseat is even worse. Books, papers and stuffed animals litter the seat and floor. I have about an inch of crumbs in the seat cracks. My poor little man's seat is filled with Kix, graham crackers and Ritz Crackers. My sister has now commented on the state of my car. I hang my head in shame and take back my snarky comment.

Does life get easier? Will my car ever be clean again? Will my son ever be clean? Where exactly does he dab the syrup?

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I just put my little man to bed and realized that one week from today I will be back at work. Dub will be 15 months on Tuesday, and I have not worked full time since his arrival. I will miss our lazy days that didn't require me to shower or find something cute to wear. At the same time I look forward to adult conversations and pulling out some of my new fall items.

I must thank my bff, Pam, for her help in getting me set to go back to work. We went shopping on Monday and she set me up with some cute little items to get my fashion foot forward. We both found some cute t-shirts and great cords at the jcrew outlet. I also picked up a pair of jeans, a fuscia cardigan and two great necklaces. I nabbed some cute shoes at nine west and a fabulous little dress with pockets on the clearnce rack at Banana Republic. A whole day of shopping only for me! I didn't even browse for Dub. (I have some adorable items ready to order for him at mini Boden.)

A few days before my bff and I headed out, I hit Anthropologie with a woman from work. I had a bit of luck while I was there. Here are three sweaters I picked up. Pam, since you are the only one checking out my blog, let me know what you think. I am having second thoughts on one of the purchases.

I loved this Gentle Current Cardigan in pink. The other colors
were nice too, but this color was the best for me.

This Ruffled Cowlneck Cardi in turquoise is the one that I am
not so sure about. It definatley looks better on, but I am not sure
what I will wear it with. Thoughts?

This Wraparound cardigan was a deal at $49.95. It is super soft!

Well, I have some great new pieces to start work, but I won't have Dub with me. I suppose if I wasn't working I wouldn't have these fun new items to wear. One can only sit around in sweats and unfashionable clothes for so long!


Well, what a day! This summer I bought Dub a water table. He loves to play with it! His very favorite activity is to scoop up the water and pour it on the deck. He will continue to do this until it is almost empty. Apparently, he has learned that this trick can be done with liquids other than water.

I am really trying to get some things organizned around the house, and eliminate some of my clutter piles. I decided to clean out some dresser drawers today to make room for some of Dub's art projects, cards, etc. Since we were up and at 'em early this morning, I had my delicious cup of decaf in my favorite Dub mug. I set my yummy brew on the dresser and Dub and I began to work. He played the items I pulled out as I browsed through them. His heart really wasn't in the cleaning, instead he must have been longing to head outside to his water table. Since we were inside and not going out because of the rain, he decided to do the next best thing. He grabbed my coffee and poured it into the drawer we were cleaning. Yes, my the drawer! What a stinker!

Today's Lesson
Keep your beverage out of Dub's reach.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

blue moon ice cream

Dub and I ventured out today. We headed to the library to return an overdue book and then we were off to get some corn-on the-cob for dinner. We took the Maclaren up to the ice cream store to get our corn at the honor system corn wagon. As we were walking up the sidewalk, I noticed a dropped ice cream cone on the sidewalk. How sad for the little kid that lost their ice cream. As we approached the scene of the crime, it became clear to me that this was not an accident at all, but a purposeful drop.

The flavor of the cone was Blue Moon, I would have recognized that bright blue anywhere. Some poor child was inticed by that vibrant blue color and must have begged their parent for Blue Moon ice cream. Imagine the little tykes surprise when he realized that the Blue Moon ice cream from this store tastes like ALMOND! YUK!!!!!!!!!! Ususally, Blue Moon is sweet, like Fruit Loops....but not at this ice cream stand. What was he to do? He certainly couldn't complain. The only alternative was to drop the cone accidentaly on purpose. If he was lucky he got to go back and pick up a cone with cotton candy ice cream or maybe bubble gum ice cream.

Today's Lesson:
When Dub begs for the Blue Moon ice cream, ask for a sample taste first.