Sunday, January 2, 2011

Latest Read

Another one of my New Year Resolutions is to read one book a month. I realize that doesn't sound like much. At first I thought I would try for two books a month, but I want to make sure that I can stick with this goal. Why must I make this a resolution? Well, ever since W made his arrival just over two and half years ago, my free time seems to have diminished. I remember the good old days when I was reading a lot and I would suggest a certain title to my sister and she would tell me she didn't have time to read. That was the craziest thing I had ever heard. Yes, she had three young girls, but really, who doesn't have time to read? Working parents of young children. Another lesson learned. When I get home from work I have to get dinner ready, clean up the dinner dishes and I want to spend time with my little man before he goes to bed sometime between 7:30 and 7:45. Considering I have a 40 minute commute and need to include pick up and drop off at the sitter, it doesn't give me a lot of time with him and it sucks up a lot of potential free time. By the time he is in bed I am ready for bed myself. When I do have some energy it is used up by picking up and other household chores. Reading for enjoyment has certainly taken a back seat to life with my son. So, that is why I have chosen reading as something of importance for 2011. It is one piece of my pre-child like I am taking back.

So, this is what I am reading.

I read about this book in the Chinaberry catalog. I really love getting this catalog. It seems as though they put a lot of thought in to the products they sell. I have found that some of their items do tend to sell out, and quickly. I just learned this lesson when I went to order a book for a birthday gift and it was sold out!

I will let you know how the book is!


  1. good resolution! i've added it to my "cue" at the library. I think another resolution you should make is allowing yourself a good overnight shopping trip :-)

  2. Any other good reads on your cue? I am liking it so far. BTW, your suggestion has been added to my list. In fact, it is number one!
